Blind 75 LeetCode Problems#

This repository contains a curated list of 75 LeetCode problems that are commonly known as the “Blind 75.” These problems cover a wide range of data structures and algorithms and are frequently asked in technical interviews. Solving these problems can help you build a strong foundation in algorithmic problem-solving.

Problem List#


Problem Name


53. Maximum Subarray


55. Jump Game


How to Use#

  1. Clone or download this repository to your local machine.

git clone
  1. Navigate to the directory of the specific problem you want to solve.

cd Blind-75-LeetCode/Problem-Directory
  1. Open the problem’s directory to find its description, code template, and solution(s).

  2. Solve the problem using your preferred programming language.

  3. Check the solution(s) provided in the directory for reference and to compare your solution.


If you have a better solution or want to add more problems to the collection, feel free to contribute. You can create a pull request or open an issue to discuss additions or improvements.


  • LeetCode: The official LeetCode website.

  • LeetCode Discuss: LeetCode’s discussion forum for each problem. You can find helpful hints and discussions here.


This repository is meant for educational purposes and to help individuals prepare for technical interviews. Please respect LeetCode’s terms of use and guidelines when using this repository.

Happy coding!